Sunday, January 3, 2010

"New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks..." Mark Twain

it's a brand new year and i'm also about to turn a year older. i know that's a relative thing to say. every year people turn a year older, but my birthday falls one week after new years day. i've got high hopes for this year, too. twenty-two treated me pretty well, but i've got a good feeling about twenty-three. i don't make resolutions, but i do like to get goals for myself. i even made a list of my top ten goals for the year.

1.) start swimming
2.) play with more puppies
3.) buy a subaru
4.) start writing more
5.) grow a beard
6.) start canning
7.) stop blacking out so often
8.) visit dollywood
9.) buy more cardigans
10.) have my starter marriage


  1. i like the 2 serious, third not serious approach, but where did the starter marriage fall into place? was that your undecided, "hell i need one more so why not throw it in there" thing or what?

  2. yeah basically. i needed to round out my top ten, and my family is pushing pretty hard for me to "settle down."

  3. you can replace puppies for kitties....

    I have two that would be happy to have a rub every now and then.

    Also, we should start making grandma's pickles. I'm running low, and it would be a good evening activity.
