Wednesday, January 27, 2010

misanthrope is my favorite word.

quite often i am frustrated by main-stream america. while i can't imagine growing up anywhere else, i am often embarrassed at what has become american culture. this isn't to say that i am not grateful for the privileges i've grown up with. i'm very appreciative of my freedoms, though i don't necessarily believe i enjoy them because of military protection. what i am mostly bothered by are the moronic things that have become popular because so many people award them undeserved attention. nascar, nicolas cage, american cheese, recently elected massachusetts senator scott brown, the new york times fashion&style section- to name a few. i have to feel though that the united states as reached a new low point though when mattel introduced twitter for dogs.

i realize, and enjoy to some degree, social networking- this blog serves as proof. i have always thought that twitter is for the most egocentric of people though. i can think of only a small hand-full of times when using twitter is justifiable: keeping patrons up-to-date on happy hour specials, grassroots organizing, and promotions for food delivery deals. everything else seems like an insult to the inventors of the internet.

back to puppy tweets, this device attaches to a dog's collar and comes with pre-recordings like, "I finally caught that tail I've been chasing and...OOUUUCHH!" and "YAHOOOOOOO! Somedays you just gotta get your bark on."

this all leads me to believe that the type of person who would buy this product is also the type of person who doesn't leave their house enough to need to follow their dog's twitter.

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