i'm thankful to jenny dills, or rather her co-worker, for giving me the title for this post.
additionally, i'm thankful for the warming email i got from our president barack obama earlier today. i signed up for campaign updates from organizing for america last november and still get them. i like the idea of receiving personalized emails from our "president barack obama." so does scarlett johansson. anyway, the email went on to say that tomorrow americans across the country will sit down and give thanks with their families and count their blessings with their loved ones... so on and so forth the way a generic thanksgiving speech would go.
the smaller part of me that still sees the good in people saw this as a kind gesture. the larger and admittedly more cynical part was irritated. yes millions of americans (who have the privilege) will sit down tomorrow with their families and (ideally) be thankful for their blessings (more food than they need).
food for thought:
-over half of the world's population (over three billion people) live on less than $2.50 a day.
-39.5 million people in america live at or below the poverty line, 12.9 million being children.
-of all family groups poverty is highest among those headed by single women.
-nearly 1.5 tons of food is wasted each year in the united states.
i'm not ungrateful, though i am often grumpy. i have several things i am thankful for, not just one day a year but everyday. i just don't enjoy the holiday.
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