Saturday, November 28, 2009

guess who's coming to dinner.

a question i always enjoy asking people, especially someone i've just met is, "if you could have dinner and drinks with three people- dead or alive- who would they be". i think the answers people give are telling of his or her personality, and generally give a good idea of how interesting the person is. the best answer i've gotten to that question was really no one answer at all. my friend mike totally avoided the question all together. later in our conversation he came back to it and said, "you know i can't really answer that. what if i'm presented with the opportunity one day to actually have dinner with these three people and they end up disappointing me?" mike made a fair point.

when people redirect the question back to me it seems my answer is always changing. partly because i am indecisive, and partly because i am always thinking of new people whose company i would enjoy. currently my companions would be- tina fey, david sedaris, and chuck klosterman.

1 comment:

  1. david sedaris---- for sure.

    Although- my three people would be
    Nora Kennedy, Matthew Huffman and Presley Leroy King. We would have whiskers lickins and tuna.

    Nummm numm num..
    Totally vegetarian bc whiskers lickins' is delish!
