Thursday, October 15, 2009


on my walk home today i was waiting at a crosswalk for the light to change, and i noticed the woman in front of me at the light is singing along to the tunes in her car. but she wasn't just singing along, she was really singing. almost performing a one woman concert in her car. i watched her for a little bit, wondering what she could be listening to. she also had a modest dance routine going along with the song. her window was rolled down so i casually took my earphones out and tried to listen in. honestly i was hoping to hear beyonce. instead it was guns n roses. pretty quickly after that i think she noticed me creepin' because she stopped singing, smiled at me, then her light turned and she drove away. even though it wasn't beyonce as i continued to walk home i kept thinking, way to go stranger-car-singing-diva. your confident and carefree performance is an inspiration. i often wonder, as i tend to sing along with my ipod when i'm biking/walking, if people look at me and think i'm a confident and handsome looking young professional, or just crazy. then right before i got home i saw this van and started to wonder what kind of music this person sings along to...

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