Tuesday, February 9, 2010

palin in 2012

i should begin by saying i have absolutely no respect for sarah palin. i do not believe she has the political experience necessary for national politics, and considering she resigned midway through her gubernatorial term, she will not have the experience when 2012 gets here either. i am frustrated with the argument that she is relatable. yes, she is folksy and a working mother, but those are not credible references to qualify a person to run a country. i am still frustrated that she misquoted madeleine albright. partly because i think she knowingly misquoted her because she could make herself sound better with the rewording, and also because sarah palin does not support other women. in fact, she speaks quite negatively about other women leaders. finally, and this may push some buttons, i think she exploits her youngest child in order to push her pro-life platform. that said, she is the perfect face to brand white elitism all over the tea party convention.

as for the tea party... since when did making jim crow references in the disguised argument of saving the constitution become okay? racial oppression is just as abhorrent today as it ever was. and seriously, tea baggers? first national convention held at a place called the gaylord opryland? either these people are completely clueless or there is a campaign organizer laughing her or his ass off every night. the irony isn't even funny at this point.

finally, what happened to the uber patriotic rhetoric we were hearing just a couple years back about how anti-american it is to criticize our president while he is still in office? isn't that just what the terrorists want? obama has only been in office a year and republican politicians and supporters are treating him with a lack of respect that took bush at least four years to achieve. fair and balanced my ass.

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